The chapters of The Ravages of Time are serially syndicated in a shounen magazine, but volumes are also published regularly, consisting...
The chapters of The Ravages of Time are serially syndicated in a shounen magazine, but volumes are also published regularly, consisting of around 6-9 chapters. This short post will show the differences more clearly, using images from raw scans.
The magazine chapter indicates the series title and the author name in the page where the chapter title is given (plus there are various other notifications)
The chapter name and number in the volumes are given larger font sizes and appear to be in bold (also, volume scans are generally cleaner than magazine scans)
The last page of the magazine chapter has a teaser for the next chapter, as well as notifications if Ravages would skip the next magazine issue (the magazine is itself released weekly, but Ravages has a biweekly and at times triweekly schedule)
Instead of teasers, the volume chapter is sometimes followed by black pages