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dedicated to discussing and promoting 火鳳燎原 [The Ravages of Time], a 漫畫 [manga/manhwa/manhua/maanwaa] about the 三國時代 [Three Kingdoms period]

IN MEMORIAM$quote=some nameless adviser

IN MEMORIAM$quote=some nameless adviser
"Now isn't the right time to use this tactic. If you intend to create a divide between me and my lord, you're being too eager."

Restating the Ravages Template


It's not enough to say that The Ravages of Time is a period piece and yet another adaptation of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms ....

It's not enough to say that The Ravages of Time is a period piece and yet another adaptation of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Rather, imagine a period piece about the last days of Eastern Han and the years of the three kingdoms that, while still deviating from popularized images based on the novel and not totally conforming to historical accounts and findings, also chooses to further enrich and complicate matters by adding convoluted layers of scheming over and beyond what the background story features, by constantly including various themes for philosophizing and theorizing, by crafting the story in such a way as to lend itself to social and political commentary, and finally by heavily using texts and treatises known to have been in circulation during the period.

In addition to all this sophistication, one other feature to take note of is how Ravages incorporates more contemporary techniques and elements to the mix, in an unorthodox manner.

Of course, these characteristics that make up what I've been calling the Ravages template are not intrinsically unique to Ravages, but I hardly see any other series make use of all of them intensely and extensively.

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  • 期待已久,龍神再臨。 - 1992年龍神創刊,仲記得當時去咗荃灣荃豐中心地庫排隊買書,然後等龍哥簽名,人龍由地庫排到上樓上,簽名版嘅龍神而家仍有保留。2014年有機會與龍哥同台食飯,於是又再搵返本龍神創刊號出黎俾龍哥簽多次名,相隔22年再簽真係好值得紀念。 2000年龍神簿裝創刊,身為忠實讀者當然繼續支持龍哥,而當年更用電腦畫咗一個Q版...
    3 months ago
  • Donki Kourin (Aug. 24) - So this is a rather random release I wasn't planning on at all. I was basically browsing through some of the raws on deadscanlations, when I stumbled on ...
    4 years ago

adventure,3,backstage,3,bonus,11,discussion,4,exposition,6,extra,4,filler,10,guide,3,highlight,5,limelight,3,manga,51,manhua,51,masterpiece,15,media,6,notes,4,outreach,4,quiet,50,ravages of time,51,recruitment,1,relax,3,reminders,10,resources,4,spotlight,4,tasks,3,unsorted,3,火凤燎原,51,火鳳燎原,51,
玖琦陣謀 - Time to be Ravaged by Ravages of Time: Restating the Ravages Template
Restating the Ravages Template
玖琦陣謀 - Time to be Ravaged by Ravages of Time
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