There used to a time some years ago when the Anglophone fandom of The Ravages of Time was a bit more active. That relatively lively period coincided with (or better yet, was encouraged by) fast releases of high-quality scanlations of chapters covering a rather intense part of the story.
Unfortunately, due to a variety of factors and motives and reasons, interest in Ravages declined (not that it was widely acclaimed among English-speaking animanga viewers to begin with, but at least the 'golden age' had a small yet steady community). Discussions dwindled, threads were abandoned, forum communities died out, and so on.
I hope to contribute in remedying this problem, so that the good old times (which I was not part of back then) can be brought back. But the success of this project depends on the cooperation of other colleagues, and most importantly the willingness of people to just take and read and discuss Ravages.
Sooner or later I would no longer be able to sustain doing this for long periods of time, due to offline stuff. Thus I'm eagerly waiting for the next generation of fans to step up, with projects such as what I am about to unveil (all thanks to a correspondent who took time to gather and compile the pictures).
Let's all work together to make Ravages more renowned.