To make things easier for readers, I've endeavored to embed into the blog selected pages and posts from my various other Ravag...
dedicated to discussing and promoting 火鳳燎原 [The Ravages of Time], a 漫畫 [manga/manhwa/manhua/maanwaa] about the 三國時代 [Three Kingdoms period]
Noted Participants
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PREFACE I have endeavored to share a few more thoughts on The Ravages of Time , in order to celebrate the one-year anniversary of t...
For those who have already encountered The Ravages of Time , feel free to comment away. For those who don't have much of a ...
To make things easier for readers, I've endeavored to embed into the blog selected pages and posts from my various other Ravages p...
It's not enough to say that The Ravages of Time is a period piece and yet another adaptation of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms ....
This post focuses on the basic things fans and students of The Ravages of Time can do to clarify and rectify the rumors that have been ...
Take a look at some of the many characters featured in The Ravages of Time . Notice too that even though the faces of a lot of them ...
This post focuses on the basic things fans and students of The Ravages of Time can do to fend off petty slander from misguided quitters...
This post focuses on the basic things fans and students of The Ravages of Time can do to allay simple concerns from newcomers (and to a...
To make things easier for readers, I've endeavored to embed into the blog selected pages and posts from my various other Ravages ...
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Let's Talk About Ravages
For those who have already encountered The Ravages of Time , feel free to comment away. For those who don't have much of a ...
Blog Roll
期待已久,龍神再臨。 - 1992年龍神創刊,仲記得當時去咗荃灣荃豐中心地庫排隊買書,然後等龍哥簽名,人龍由地庫排到上樓上,簽名版嘅龍神而家仍有保留。2014年有機會與龍哥同台食飯,於是又再搵返本龍神創刊號出黎俾龍哥簽多次名,相隔22年再簽真係好值得紀念。 2000年龍神簿裝創刊,身為忠實讀者當然繼續支持龍哥,而當年更用電腦畫咗一個Q版...2 months ago
Donki Kourin (Aug. 24) - So this is a rather random release I wasn't planning on at all. I was basically browsing through some of the raws on deadscanlations, when I stumbled on ...4 years ago
Seek and Find
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玖琦陣謀 _ Time for Ravages (of Time)
玖琦陣謀: Safe Spaces for Ravaged Times
The Ravages of Time 火鳳燎原 Ravages Your Time
- 玖琦陣謀|n*times+ravaged
- doing my utmost to promote The Ravages of Time, among other things
Reasons to Respect Ravages
1. Convoluted Scheming
2. Profound Philosophizing
3. Incisive Social Commentary
4. Extensive Allusions and References